337.78 Tony for printing and supplies of registrations forms and postcards
460.00 Okc Parks Dept. rent and deposit for use of South Parks Pavilion
$200 is a security deposit to be returned if pavilion cleaned
43.00 Donna Cunnigham
Requested expenditures
300 - 500 Don and Donna, supplies and awards for the evening program at Hidden trails
100 Jeannie, check in table.
???? Joe, banners
175 Honor guard and sponsor meals. It was suggested committee members could contribute to pay this
Expenses for the dinner
400 Hidden Trails room rental
50 Fee for cash bar
35.00 The cost of our meal is $27 per plate. Additionally, charges for napkins, table clothes other items
Hidden Trails then requires a 20% service charge.
With the cost of the meals @ $35, that leaves around $15 per person to purchase souvenirs for the reunion.
If I have missed anything please bring it to my attention
The room at Hidden Trails is reserved but no contract has been signed until we can provide them a number of attendees.
August 15th we should have that count.
Don and Donna have volunteered to do hosting duties but they need our help with funny or embarrassing stories or events
of our time at the Hill.